Writing from The Heart

Writing from The Heart
Design and execution by Meeko Marasigan

Writing from The Heart

"Writing from The Heart" is a workshop on creative writing, creative drawing, and creative drama. There are three available versions of this workshop: one for beginners on the secondary, tertiary, and graduate levels, and another for practitioners. A third version of this workshop is designed as an outreach program to disadvantaged and underserved audiences such as the disabled, the poor and the marginalized, victims of human trafficking, battered women and abused children, drug rehabilitation center residents, child combatants, children in conflict with the law, prisoners, and gang leaders. This third version incorporates creativity and problem awareness, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, trauma therapy, and peacemaking.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Of the hundreds if not thousands of arts graduates, how many actually made it after graduation?

--How many had to go abroad in order to be branded a success?
--How many are simply bumming around while waiting for projects to arrive at their doorstep?
--How many ended up working in call centers?
--How many resorted to self-auctions, selling minor works online for a pittance to a general public?
--How many are selling plastic ware and hosting Tupperware parties to survive?
--How many became depressed and even suicidal?

It is fine to be an artist, but one also has to have a sense of economics, not only for oneself but also for one's community. After all, what kind of nation would this be if everyone were an arts graduate?

And, in the last analysis, it is real talent that counts, never the fact that one went to an academy.

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